Print from a series originally produced around 1688-1678 by Johannes Teyler and Jean Baptiste Monnoyer. Johannes Teyler, a Dutch mathematician and engineer, designed and patented an intricate multicolor printing process on copper plates. The process was revolutionary at the time but too time and labour consuming to be used by other publishers.
— Interior mockups are given as an example. They do not represent real proportions of any room and are used to show how the poster could look on a wall.
— Frames or holders on the photo are given as an example. Only the print will be shipped.
— Due to different color settings on monitors the actual colours may slightly vary.
— The actual size of the print may differ by 5-10 mm due to the printing process.
— Printed in the United Kingdom to order on premium satin paper.
— Shipping worldwide in a cardboard tube. The poster is protected and ready to be presented as a gift.